Zebra’s Mark Thomson and Natalie Berg on the Shifting Retail Landscape

Paid partnership with Zebra Technologies

It was wonderful to sit down with Mark Thomson to talk through the findings of the 15th Annual Global Shopper Study from Zebra Technologies.

Here’s what stood out for me:

💵 While nearly 75% of shoppers say inflation has caused them to delay purchases, they’re still returning to stores but most (76%) want to get in and out as quickly as possible.

😯 3 in 4 shoppers leave without the items they intended to purchase, with 49% blaming out-of-stocks.

📶 More than two-thirds of associates are concerned that shoppers are more connected to information than they are.

🙂 Seven-in-10 shoppers are satisfied with help from retail associates, compared to only 37% in 2007.

📱 Pandemic habits are sticking: approximately 90% of shoppers said they are likely to continue using technologies such as a personal shopping device, mobile cashless payment and self-checkout. And retailers are responding: nearly HALF of retailers said they would convert more manned till space to self-checkout in the future.

Watch the interview:

For more, download the full report