Mindful Consumption, Peak Amazon and the Participation Decade – 8 Retail Predictions for 2020

Natalie Berg NBK Retail 2020 trends

What’s in store for the retail sector in 2020? First, let’s be clear about what’s not changing. We’ll continue to see a bifurcation of winners and losers as the industry sheds itself of status quo retailers (translation: brace yourself for more doom and gloom). The ubiquitously connected ‘on-my-terms’ shopper is here to stay. We’ll see a continuation of the convergence of physical and digital retail. The race to stamp out friction and inefficiencies will only accelerate, and reinvention of the physical store will remain top of the boardroom agenda.

Now the fun stuff. In my latest piece for Forbes, I’ve highlighted 8 retail predictions for 2020. You can read more here.